
  • As chronicled in the bestselling book Born to Run, Barefoot Ted tells the story of his meeting with Manuel Luna in 2006 down in the Copper Canyons.

  • He describes how that event sparked his imagination and has lead LUNA Sandals to where we are toda


This fascinating quest into the world of movement, running, and simple footwear led him to a man named Caballo Blanco and into the Copper Canyons of Mexico in 2006; the story of which is famously chronicled in Christopher McDougall's best-seller, Born To Run. If you’ve read Born To Run, you are familiar with Ted's story.

BY EARLY 2010...

BFT was inundated with requests for the simple sandals he had been developing and making in his garage. 
In March of 2010 at Volunteer Park in Seattle, he met two young brothers slacklining in the park. As if it was meant to be, Scott and Bookis Smuin knew who Ted was and had already been making and running in tire sandals.
They quickly became friends, the stars aligned, and a business plan for LUNA Sandals was born.