LUNA Sandals on Gear Junkie

Barefoot Ted & LUNA Sandals on National Geographic

LUNA Sandals - Trail Runner Magazine

Christopher McDougall & Barefoot Ted & Barefoot Running - TedX Pheonixville

LUNA Sandals and Patrick Sweeney - GQ Magazine

LUNA Sandals and Robert Rorich - Redbull Video

Barefoot Ted and Christopher McDougall - Ted Talk

Christopher McDougall & Barefoot Ted & Born to Run - The Guardian

Christopher McDougall & Barefoot Ted & Born to Run - Outside Online Magazine

LUNA Sandals - Obstacle Racing Media

Barefoot Ted & LUNA Sandals - Radio NZ

Matt Graham & Dual Survival & LUNA Sandals - Discovery Channel
LUNA Sandals and Barefoot Ted - Runner's World

LUNA Sandals - Seattle Met
LUNA Sandals -

LUNA Sandals - Runner Click